Maisha Zanzibar successful at the FairFair market, Afro Pfingsten May 2010

Our information booth at the FairFair market was a great success!
The soaps, massage oils and scarfs we brought from Zanzibar found a ready market and added some money into our NGO cash box. Even more important was the possibility to introduce our NGO, our goals and future projects to a wide audience.
People were interested and we had many exhilarating conversations and were able to establish new contacts with wonderful people (e.g. Family Schaufelberger). All the other NGOs at the market gave us input for future projects (e.g. ADES solar project).
Even from Germany we got visitors. Antje and Mario (GOZA - Go for Zanzibar) which will launch in June 2010 also a NGO in Zanzibar came to see us. They as well got lots of inspiration at the FairFair market.