Ship container no. 5, October 2016
Since the founding of our NGO the fifth container was sent off to Zanzibar at mid of October. If all goes as planned, we will receive it at the end of December in Zanzibar. Then the diistribution of relief supplies in the various hospitals and schools will take place. We will also organize a shoe bazaar. The proceeds will be used to support a project in the village of bazaar discharge.
Our special thanks for the support, the organisation, storage and transportation of the goods in the last weeks and months go to:
- Hans Rüetschi Elektromotoren und Antriebe AG, (Roland Vogel)
- OZ Buechenwald, OZ Rosenau, Schulamt Gossau (Nicolà Eggenberger)
- Kantonsschule Winterthur (Christine Sigrist)
- Hirslanden Klinik, Zürich
- Kantonsspital St.Gallen, house 02, team 0203 (Rahel Eggenberger)
- Mirco Minola
- SSC Sihltaler Sportclub (Claudio Giger)
- Conny, Nicolà, Roli, Pierre and Valentin who loaded the container in no time