Project work January, February 2020
During our stay in Zanzibar from 17 January to 10 February 2020 we were able to advance the following projects:
Project CHOO: We spent a week on the mainland of Tanzania in the Handeni district, where we set up the construction of 8 toilets each in the remote villages of Kolanga and Kinkwembe. We were able to get everything underway so that King Banda could supervise and complete the work in the following weeks. By the end of April 2020 all 16 toilets were completed.
Project ELIMU: With 16 year old Moza Abraham Juma we visited the Mwalimu Nyerere Memorial Academy in Zanzibar, where she will complete the Certificate in Library and Information Management (one year). The financing of follow-up studies (diploma, bachelor) is possible.
Project DAWA: Thanks to a donation of the county hospital St. Gallen we were able to deliver about 100 baby tights to the Gasparini Children's Hospital (Kendwa, Zanzibar).