Project work September / October 2022

During our annual visit to Zanzibar, we were able to enrol two more young women at Julius Nyerere University under the ELIMU project, as well as deliver some laptops to our existing students.

As every year, we bought the materials for the uniforms and the needed textbooks for the students in the RIZIKI project together with our local co-worker.

We also visited the Smart Center, which we supported with donations, and could see that our money was well invested. New classrooms have been built, and the school's offerings have been expanded to include French, soap making, sewing and cooking classes. At the moment the center is building a water tank, which will be available not only to the school, but also to the local population free of charge.

Thanks to a generous donation of materials (baby clothes) from a friend in Switzerland, we were able to make many mothers and their infants happy.